Stories of Inspired Living



Community Home Page

Coming Soon

Community Heroes

Community Organizations

Community Partners

Community Resources

JUN 2020

They say ‘Home is Where the Heart is;’ and we totally agree, but there is a lot packed into that saying.  Just as our hearts are not restricted to a specific time, or place, or group, what we define as Home can be equally fluid.  What is clear is that most homes, however we define them, are part of a community.  Those  communities that matter to us, define our world, so here is where we hope you will find inspiration for all the communities in your life.

This section of looks at Community from many perspectives.  We celebrate Community Heroes, men and women who work tirelessly to make our communities stronger, safer, more beautiful, and healthier.  We also recognize Community Partners, people, groups and organizations that extend care, knowledge, resources and opportunities to members of Our Community.  And, here is where we seek to encourage others to become Heroes within their own time and space, which is why we will soon list Community Organizations and Community Resources that can facilitate the progress and well-being of all of Our Communities.

Welcome Home.  Welcome to Community.

We look forward to bringing you Community focused stories soon.